Et pourtant, depuis au moins 8 ans, je traînais cette robe dans ma penderie, malgré tous mes déménagements, sans oser la jeter.
Maintenant, elle vit enfin de retrouver un usage : je l'ai transformée en tenue sur mesure pour ma grande !
Bien sur, quand je lui ai essayé la robe, elle était bien trop grande, en longueur et en largeur. Voici comment j'ai procédé...
Le corsage m'a posé plus de problèmes et m'a donc pris bien plus de temps. Il a d'abord fallu rétrécir les bretelles. J'en ai profiter pour ajouter deux petits noeuds en ruban rouge en haut. Puis, j'ai du rétrécir le corsage sur les côtés, pour l'ajuster à a taille fine de ma princesse.
Et voilà !
I don't want to suggest that every one is like me, but I am sure that a most of the mothers are living the same experience than I do : after one, two, three (in my case) or even more pregrancies, it becomes impossible to wear the clothes you had before. Hips and chest have been widen forever.
Hence, for at least 8 years, I have kept this dress in my closet, despite all my moves, without thinking of throwing it. Now, it has just found a new life : I altered it to new clothes for my elder daugther !
Of course, when I tried the dress on her, it was far too big : too long and too wide. Here is how I proceeded...
Thirst thing, I cut it in half just under the zipper.
Then, I made the skirt : nothing complicated there. I just made a hem on the top, put an elastic inside and this skirt was completed !
The blouse was far more complicated to make and took me a long time ! First, I needed to shorten the straps, and I added two red ribbons in the process. Then, I had to narrow the blouse on the sides to fit my tiny-waisted princess.
Et voilà !
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