Je vous conseille donc de rajouter un centimètre, voire deux en largeur, ou de diminuer les marges de couture, en fonction de la taille de vos cartes de visite (les miennes font 9x5,5 cm). J'ai de plus rallongé le morceau de tissu pour mieux recouvrir les cartes. J'ai utilisé de la toile enduite et mis un bouton pression.
I'm soon going to launch my own little business, and I'll tell you about that later. Right now, in order that people know me, I should make some publicity about it in the area. So I ordered some business cards and some flyers, that I did not receive yet... due to a printer problem. So, to avoid folding them before distributing them, I sew a little card holder.
I get inspiration from the tutorial by Les lubies de Louise, that I found cute, but not totally adapted to my needs. I sewed two versions, the first one using the indicated pattern, but it came too smal for the business cards I ordered.
So I advise you to add 1/3 or 2/3 of an inch for the width, or to shorten the sewing margins, depending on your business cards size (mine are 3.5 by 2.1 inches). I also added about one inch for the length, so that the cards are better covered. I used oil cloth and put a pression sturd.
Now, I only need the real cards, to replace the prototypes. And as soon as I would get the flyers, I might sew a holder to store them too ;-)
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